Fazenda Sucuri

Bag Size: 350g
Grind Coffee: Whole Bean

Coffee Info

Coffee category: Bright

Process: Natural Anerobic Fermented

What to expect: Another amazing micro lot from the Barbosa family. Many of the previous lots we have purchased from this family have been great balanced coffees but this one is one of the best anerobic fermented lots that we have tasted from Brazil. Expect lots of bright fruity notes of plum and berries, a little bit of citrus and a winey sweet body.

Farm Info

Producer: Vitor Marcelo Queiroz Barbosa

Region: Cerrado Mineiro

Altitude: 1,125m above sea level

Varietals: Topazio (Cross between Mundo Novo and Yellow Catuai)

Vitor Marcelo Queiroz Barbosa, the son of Danilo Barbosa, was born in 1981. A descendent of a family of coffee producers, he has been among coffee plantations since his youth, thus from an early age he knew the path he would follow and his passion for coffee has only grown since then. At 14, he decided to work with his father, so he studied at night to help out on the farm during the day. The coffee producing tradition has been in the family since the first decade of the 20th century. Vitor’s ancestors passed the coffee heritage from generation to generation, beginning with his great-great-grandfather, Elias Barbosa, then his great-grandfather, Claudio Barbosa de Paula, to his grandfather, Jairo Barbosa de Paula, and now he works with his father, Danilo Barbosa, himself a fourth-generation producer.

Coffee Processing

This lot passed through several steps during post-harvest processing. It was initially evaluated for fruit maturation by measuring its brix. Then it was selectively harvested by hand at the ideal bean maturation point. After harvesting, the coffee went into barrels for aneorobic processing (96hrs), passing through a controlled fermentation process. Then it was spread on the drying patios, and rotated 3 times a day until reaching the ideal humidity for warehousing. After drying, the lot was stored in bags for 25 days, then processed. Finally it was taken for final processing at the cooperative warehouse.

Unique Quality

From the choice of the varietal to the harvest season, the Barbosa family works hard to deliver the best coffee. All the processes are closely watched, and the Quality Control team follow all the stages of the traceability program, from the tree to the warehouse, and from the warehouse to the world.

About Cerrado Mineiro

The Cerrado Region has all the conditions to produce specialty coffee. During the dry season, humidity is low, temperatures are lower, and the coffee quality is highlighted. Defined seasons, soil and topography combined with experienced crop management; provides everything needed to deliver the best coffee.

Direct Trade

For many decades the family produced and sold the coffee to exporters around the region. With a huge demand from buyers, crop after crop, the vision became to trade directly with importers all around the world. After thoughtful research on quality, sensorial analyses, consistency, screens, the family is now exporting great coffee to North America on the Direct Trade basis, via our partner Orange Brown, from the farm to your cup. For more information please visit the following page.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Quality Anaerobic Ferment

Picked this up in-store yesterday and have been pulling espresso with it since.
Pleasant berry-like brightness and fermented sugar on the palate - characteristic of anaerobic fermentation, definitely a strong Umeshu note on the nose, with minimal astringency (once I shortened to a 1:2.5 ratio at 6bars).

Very forgiving to work with, the roast level is spot on for pulling both filter and espresso.

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